Legislative Decree no. 231/01 introduced the concept of administration liability related to firms.
According to this regulation, companies can be held responsible, and therefore punishable, for certain offenses committed or attempted in the interest or to the advantage of the company by its directors or employees.
Casasco & Nardi prevents the risks related to the occurrence of illicit behaviours with a clear division of responsibilities between functions and between individuals and the company, as provided in the Model of organization, management and control.
The adoption of Organisational Model 231/01
Based on the Legislative Decree 231/01, companies can be held accountable in criminal court, for crimes committed in their own interest or for the benefit of its directors and employees.
In order to prevent and manage the risk associated to the occurrence of offenses, the Company has adopted its model of organization, management and control.
The organizational model of control has the effect of:
distinguish the responsibilities of individuals from those of the company;
give each individual or function their own responsibility, which is differentiatiated and aligned, compared to that of other individuals or functions, through the assignment of tasks.
The Model, which was adopted in January 2015, is subject to periodical amendment to encompass new types of offenses or regulatory updates and in order to implement organizational changes, was last updated by the Board of Directors on January 22, 2015.