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We view Corporate Social Responsibility to be an integral part of our business and our behaviour is guided by the adherence to ethics, integrity and sustainable development.
In 2015, we have adopted an Ethics Code of Conduct and performed a third-party assessment of our CSR performance, led by EcoVadis, an independent, neutral platform, with a "Silver" rating.
We constantly develop our CSR initiatives in the following fields:
Running a third-party assessment of our CSR performance
Our CSR performance has been evaluated by EcoVadis, a leading worldwide independent platform, which has developed a detailed CSR analysis system, covering 21 criteria across the four themes of Environment, Fair labor practices, ethics/fair business practices and supply chain. Read here the full report about our CSR Performance.
Adopting an ethics code of conduct
We have adopted an Ethics Code of Conduct in compliance to Italian Decree 231/01, to strenghten the consciousness of the importance of business ethics throughout our organisations. Read here about our Ethics Code of Conduct.
Providing on-going training to all our staff
We recognize that our people are our most valuable resource; we organize training courses on an on-going basis to make sure that all our employees keep developing their skills and competences in key areas.
Contributing to causes and charities
We contribute to various charities and causes. Among these, in the last years, we had the opportunity to know and support "Banca degli Occhi Melvin Jones". We strongly invite you to get to know and to support them as well.
Promoting safety at work
Our controlled company CONTLINE Logistica is adopting a safety management system, which will be certified according to the OHSAS 18001 standard.
Sponsoring sport activities
We sponsor and support various athletes and sporting teams, as well as promote sporting events. You are invited to join us in supporting our athletes! Read here about our sponsorhips.

We support

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